Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I have nothing to report. In fact, I am completely qualmless this morning. It's movie day again today in two of my classes. They didn't have Swimming with Sharks as I had planned to show, so I got my favorite - Hannah and her Sisters. Did I mention that I showed Somewhere in Time last week? I was rather bored to tell you the truth. I don't think movies unfold that slowly anymore in North America. And the watch always bugged me. Where did the watch come from if he got it from her and she got it from him? Bugs me.

Warning, nonsequiteur ahead. (Sorry, that was a geekburp. As was that, I'm afraid.)

I've been wondering about pedicures. I wonder if they're like massages - they sound oh so nice and relaxing but then you spend the whole time trying to prove that it doesn't hurt. The only good massage is from your lover. So I'm wondering if the idea of a pedicure (oh it'll be so tickly and wonderful!) is really not the reality, and that I'll go in and they'll rip flesh from my toes or something. Enlighten me please before I spend money for pain.


Anonymous said...

NO PAIN in a pedicure - total heaven - feet in warm water, then someone rubbing feet, then feet back in warm water then nails done while someone rubs feet... TOTAL HEAVEN - even for the ticklish like me!

Anonymous said...

You mean I shouldn't spend money for pain?! You mean that guy in the leather and chains with the whips is just ripping me off?!

As for pedicures, never been there, never done that, sorry.

Anonymous said...

It's been a long time since I've had a pedicure, which is kinda silly because I love a block from what could be described as "Pedicure Row" on Yonge. St. in Toronto. Just go and you'll find it less ralaxing than you might have imagined, although still loveley. The "less relaxing part" I fins stems from the Vietamese staff shouting over the noise of the equiptment.

Souse may appreciate the results, which could result in full massage from him.......

St. Dickeybird said...

Eeek, I can't even READ the word pedicure without my toes curling!
But they will reaffirm your sexuality.

Anonymous said...

TOTALLY worth it. I giggle through a good part of it but it is amazing how good your feet will feel afterwards...

Timmy said...

I have never been in pain while having a pedicure....they are AWESOME and well worth every penny.

The Persian said...

I've never had one, but my mother owned hair & nail salons when I was growing up and it was funny to see these big tough grown men with the little cotton between their toes come in (always at night, and usually by special appointment when the salon was otherwise empty). Of course we are talking the 1980's, things have changed.

The funny part is that because a traditional Pedicure (back then) was often only administered by a podiatrist, mom had to had the service listed as "Pretty Feet" LOL

That's probably why I will still to this day not have one done, I don't want "pretty feet"


Adam said...

One of my favorite lines from Hannah: "Lee was a volcano." I love love love that movie, I watch it over and over again.

Anonymous said...

My dad gets pedicures and loves them. No seriously this big ol' queen's pop who is ex-air force goes and plops his piggies for some loving care. So if my dad can do it, you can too.

Anonymous said...

They're great - if you can get passed someone else clipping your toenails. That just about sent me over the edge.

Doug said...

Do we only post when we have one or more qualms about something?

Never had a pedicure, but from all the positive comments here, I might get one.

I love non sequitur. I learned it in the 7th grade. I can see the chalkboard with this wierd word on it.....sorry...you inspired a flashback.

madamerouge said...

Get one... you'll like it. (As long as it's a clean, reputable place.)

Polt said...

I was talked into a pedicure by my fag hag and teh lovely woman that cuts and colors my hair. Instead of painting my nails, she gave me a legs massage to the knees.

The whole experience was nice, but not worth like cost. And I doubt I'd do it again.


A Bear in the Woods said...

I'd just ask Serge very nicely to do me a favor. But if he's busy, I would definitely want to check the Pedicurist's references before I entrusted my tootsies to him or her. And Maybe I'm just too queer for words, but I'd want a guy to do it. Women are a little bit rougher(in my experience).

A Bear in the Woods said...

And I think "Hannah" is really one of Woody's best, along with that string of great movies in the 70's.

r said...

Love the pedicure. Love the foot massage, the calf massage, the oil and lotion and soft feet afterwards.

Of course, I have hobbit feet that have leather where my heels should be.

Get one.

teh l4m3 said...

Did I mention that I showed Somewhere in Time last week?

Oh! I used to love that movie... Until I fell off my horse and broke my neck...

dpaste said...

Speaking as someone who also is not fond of the deep tissue massage, I can vouch for the pleasantness of a pedicure. And I too am extremely ticklish and was fearful that an inopportune twitch on my part would result in a reduction of available toes. But I found the process overall rather pleasant the result quite satisfactory. Plus your feet feel ultra-good for days. However, I find it best to read or watch a TV monitor (if available) when they break out the sharp, pointy metal objects. Better not to know what they are taking to your feet.

Patricia said...

i'll admit to being a sap about somewhere in time. it was filmed on an island in michigan where cars are not allowed and so the filming of it was a big fat hairy deal in order to allow the cars. i dunno, i just love it. maybe because i've seen the houses and places it was filmed but it's hokey and sappy and sentimental and and and you can't bring real questions about the watch into my fantasy, la la la la i'm not lisssstening!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVED Swimming With Sharks!

Enemy of the Republic said...

I agree with your insight in general about massage from your lover, but my husband is so strong, I feel like I just went through kickboxing. Get a pedicure and if you go to a swanky joint, they will use pumice on your feet. It is sheer bliss.

Snooze said...

Make sure you go to a place that properly sterilizes the toe clippers, files, etc. - by using an auto clave so as to avoid Hep C. Also, make sure they scrub out the foot baths between clients. Pedicures can be filthy. It's better to have one where they put your feet in a bowl of water as opposed to a basin with built-in water jets (harder to clean). But if you go to the right place they are decadent.

Actually, home pedicures are cheaper and cleaner. Splurge on some good products.

dawn said...

I got nothing for you on pedicures. I don't think I'd ever pay anyone to touch my feet, it seems weird.

BUT, if you do go - take a video.

Anonymous said...

I take care of my own feet. For one, I have foot hangups (can't stand to see ugly feet) and for another, you can get some NASTY foot diseases at those places! Foot and nail fungus is NOT something you want for Christmas! My sisters in law swear by them, but they all have too long of toenails (in my opinion) and the pedis they get make them look like finger-toes. Yuck.

Do them at home. You do Serge's he can do yours, use your own foot tools, it will all be hygenic and personal.

Or don't. It's up to you! LOL! I feel freaky now and need a shower.

Cian Brown said...

Absolutely, go & get yourself a pedicure. I used to have a woman that came to the house to do mine every month. Now, unfortunately, I only have it done about every 3 months...if that. It's wonderfully relaxing, painless...please don't make me go further. It's the ultimate form of primping. Go! Go, now! Then, come back & give us a review.

Anonymous said...

I love pedicures.

dirk.mancuso said...

I am deathly afraid of feet -- even my own -- so the very thought of having someone else not only see them, but touch them as well makes pedicures unthinkable for me.

Nicki said...

I love pedicures, but agree that one from a lover is better than anything.

S said...

I'm quite good at doing my own.

I'm faster, cheaper and don't require a translator when I'm talking out loud.

Anonymous said...

So did you get the pedicure?

I give them to Cowboy about once a month (I like his tonails nice and short, he moves his feet in bed)