* I remember as a kid getting enraged and crying. It was a cry-rage thing which led to tantrums of arm and leg flailing. When I see other kids perform this act, it makes me laugh. Odd.
* The last time I cried when I was a kid, I think I was 11 or 12, I can still remember it clearly, I melted down crying because my father had raised his voice at me (delicate child I must have been) and then he mocked me for crying, I can't remember what he said exactly but I think crybaby was part of it. That was it, I didn't cry again until I was in my 20's.

* I got the jist of my schedule yesterday. Not bad at all. I was panicking for nothing. I can't believe how everything is falling into place once again. Yay!
* We bought olives for our martinis the other day. They were on sale. We like the green ones with the little red pepper in it. So we got them, and we both disliked them. Serge said they were garlic olives. I said no, "there's a red thing there, so it's not garlic." But something strange about the appearance of the red thing now that I really got a good look at it. I went to check the jar. "Stuffed with pimento paste." Those rat-bastards. And into the trash it went.
* I got Sergio Mendes and Brazil 66 from the library. Oh my god I love this music. Here's an example.
* This space was reserved for an unfleshed out snippet. When I fleshed it out, it was dumb.The replacement snippet was altogether lame as well. Please excuse me for any inconvenience caused.
The tvs in elevators drive me insane. Ditto for the ones at the gas pumps. I love the fact that you like them.
There's tons of restaurants here in Houston that have TV's over the urinals.Iit's very distracting when you're trying to catch a glimpse of the next guy's weinie. I mean really, at 6'4", it's easy to peek over the partition but those damn TV's... just distracting!
Geezer that I am I have some Sergio Mendes and Brazil 66 on licorice pizzas (LP's) from the stone ages of my youth. :)
When my nephews were little and got punished, they would cry so hard they'd throw up. My sister had to keep sickness bags handy for misbehavior on car trips.
I always thought the red stuff in olives were pimentos. I would have assumed that from the get-go. Always, always read labels.
I love pimento paste. :)
The first time one of my boys had a temper tantrum such as you described, I was both panicked and embarrassed. Thankfully, it's a rare occurrence. Funny that when my boys witnessed an unknown kid having an all out cry-rage thing recently, my baby (now almost two) turned to me with wide eyes and said, "Oh-oh, Dada!"
I want to know your unfleshed snippet AND its replacement, because I'm curious like that.
I love Green Olives stuffed with Pimentos. I have gotten a hold of a bad jar now and then. The Olives looked gray rather than green that should have been a clue, now I look for the deep green ones.
After a spanking or getting a belt or switch used on me I would be sobbing uncontrolably, my mother would say, "stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about." What, the whipping wasn't a good enough excuse? Ed
Re the Sergio Mendes - those outfits look so last year...
At the Opus Hotel here in YVR they have TV's over the urinals that pan the cocktail lounge so you can keep an eye on your date while you are in the loo. OMG! He's ordering another Mojito!
You threw away perfectly good olives?!!!
HD monitors everywhere now, it's horrible. And, what? He made fun of you for crying? Hahahahahahahaha...that's hilarious! (Now if that doesn't give you a complex, i don't know what will.) and I know what youmean about coffee sending you to the toilet....well, of course,we all know full well about your shitting habits. Keep a bottle of acidophilus around. Works miracles.
There are t.v. screens at the supermarket checkout lines here. Apparently we, as a society, have decided that we just can't be left alone with our own thoughts for even a second.
You've been tagged.
I've visited a public restroom (in a restaurant) that had flat screen TVs on the wall, for the enjoyment of the urinators. I was quite pleased.
Mark :-)
Inconvience forgiven. Nothing like a normal teaching schedule; Lord, I've had some doozies. I like anchovies olives in my martinis--especially Bombary Sapphrire, very dry. What do you think? Most people hate anchovies, but I am bizzare.
televisions in the restroom? -How distressing, I think I may be a bit too pee-shy for that to work. Maybe I could sue for bladder rupture though and make my fortune to retire upon!
OMG! Brasil 66! We were forced to listen to them on 8-track tapes during endless car trips across country while growing up. My parents were real swingers back then but not in the sense of being "swingers" as in sexually adventurous with other couples. Just swingers in the "groovy, mod" sense. The favorite for us kids was something that might have been called "Shubby-Shooba" or at least it had those lyrics in it.
I hate to be a Snippet prig, but I believe you owe us one more snippet. I don't care whether it's lame or unfunny. You owe us. We'll be the judge.
I'd never heard of that Sergio dude before. But when I clicked on the link, I noticed a bunch of clips at YouTube.. He must be famous.
this left me with a smile... It makes sense though, the first sip often sends me to the toilet.
Thanks for adding a bit of joy to my day :)
I saw this item on OMG blog this morning and couldn't help thinking that this was right up your alley, so to speak:
I saw the same news story on the CTV the other day. They've always said caffeine was bad for pregnancy so it wasn't a shock but the actual news snippets available that day must have been "lame" so they amp it up and make it seem like a big discovery. (I'm bitchy today!)
To think a TV might have saved Larry Craig from demonstrating his wide stance ... and, ot the arresting (entrapping) officer from noticing it.
My Xmas was heavenly because a friend introduced me to jalapeño stuffed olives ... gin martinis will never bore again.
Glad your sched is back on track and the scare is over ... sleep better.
You are coming perilously close to writing about yourself in the act of writing.
" I am sitting at the table with pen in hand, dressed in nothing but my fluffy mousketeer slippers and a jock strap..."
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