Thursday, January 31, 2008

When in doubt, do a meme

* Link to the person that tagged you.
* Post the rules on your blog.
* Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
* Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
* Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website

I can't remember who tagged me, or I'd link to that person. Additionally, there are a bunch of rules that came with this meme (see above). I tend to ignore random rule making, I mean, why does the fork always have to be on the left, you know? Anyway, the gist of this thing is that I'm supposed to share six non-important things/habits/quirks about myself. All the rest I'll treat as optional. This is much harder than it looks, I'm sure I've shared more than enough about myself over the last years. To come up with six quirky things that I've not already mentioned is tough. But here goes.

1. I do this much less these days, but I've been known to groom my toenails with my teeth.

2. I avoid eating certain things because they cause me to regurgitate hours later. I used to have fun with this little quirk and show whomever I was with what had gurged up in my mouth. The look of horror as they identified bits of the lunch we had eaten two hours ago was priceless. You know what though, people really didn't like being subjected to that, so I've stopped. Another part of the kid in me squelched.

3. It doesn't really matter where I sit the first time I eat in a restaurant, though on subsequent visits, I usually pick whichever table I ate at before. Something securing about that for me.

4. I am a coupon cutter, clipper, and user. 2 for 1's are my favorites.

5. At crowded movies, I choose a side aisle seat. At sparsely attended ones, I sit in the middle.

6. I don't drink sugary drinks because I swear they make my teeth fuzzy. This alone will probably save me from diabetes.


Anonymous said...

So Torn, you used to be very gross. Some things are better squelched. I sit in the same spot in my favorite restaurant. If my table is taken it ruins my experience. I think diabetes is more hereditary than anything. It runs in my family. My Uncle tried to beat the odds by not eating sugar and staying slim, but he got it anyway. I eat what I like and try not to worry about it. Ed

My adventures said...

i've heard that toenail chewing is better than yoga

Patricia said...

i beg of you. get thee a pedicure. or a nail clipper.

you seriously regurgitated for others? you're like a momma robin.

i cut, i clip, i forget my coupons at home.

dpaste said...

Even as a child I would have been horrified by #2. Something may have been squelched, but I don't think it was the kid in you.

Anonymous said...

Very cool. I'm glad you did it. That's the tricky thing about these. We've either already done a bunch of these revelations already through other memes or through everyday blogging.

I always prefer to sit at restaurants with my back to the wall. Some might suggest it's my Chicago gangster background, but I just like having the option of seeing all that's going on around us. Plus we like to sit in the center of theatres since you have a full-on view of the screen.

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed that you're as flexible as you must be to do the teeth grooming thing. I'm going home tonight to see how far my body will allow me to move. I will NOT groom my toes - I just want to know if it's possible.

I've been a lousy blog reader of late and I apologize. I really did miss you. I love the knitting video and your students are funny as hell.

Polt said...

#1 and #2 are intersting...I wonder, after....grooming your toes with your teeth (shudder) did you regurgitate? I threw up in my mouth a little just from reading this, so....


dantallion said...

You really are becoming a Quebecer - "Something securing about that for me"...

Anonymous said...

Squelching the kid in me...

I thought that had to do with playing on swings, and skipping and being silly...

Not gross gross gross...

I wonder if you looked HOT barfing up items for your friends.

Cooper said...

I cut coupons, too.

I always sit in an aisle seat because I tend to get claustrophic.

As for the regurgitation thing, don't cats do that? I hope you don't get fur balls.

Rox said...

LMAO @ Laverne! That was awesome!!

I haven't been able to get my mouth anywhere NEAR my feet for years. And I've never stuck those puppies in my mouth either!

GayProf said...

Out there in the world, Number 2 is somebody's kink. If things with Spouse go sour, you could always post this ability on Craig's list and see what happens.

Anonymous said...

Hey Gayprof, #1 is also probably someone's kink.

I love the way groom my toenails with my teeth sounds together. I didn't know that you did that restaurant thing, I do too.

Mark in DE said...

#1 is rather creepy.
#2 is rather disgusting.

But at least #1 shows an amazing level of back flexibility which could prove very handy in certain sexual situations.

Mark :-)

A Lewis said...

Holy Mackerel! #1 is definitely a fetish....for some. I think you're awesome...willing to discuss toenails and shit on the same blog. Amongst other naughties.

dirk.mancuso said...

With my intense fear of feet and all things foot-related, #1 leaves me slack-jawed (and a tad bit nauseous).

Anonymous said...

I'm with Dirk on #1 although I've busted my kids doing that in the past. Positively disgusting!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to pretend I didn't read #2.

Anonymous said...

actually ... toenail chewing Is yoga ... and quite satisfying ... get while you're still flex enuff ... doncha love elipses ... ...

Patrick said...

I like the choice of the word 'groom' to describe what you were doing to your toenails. It sounds so genteel.