The good news is I'm still smoke free after all this time (and plan to continue being so) but the bad news is below.

One year ago and 15 pounds lighter on the left. (The long johns are not the same, I have three different colors - light blue, dark blue and gray.) I'm still trying to get used to this new body. I don't hate it, but I like last year's better.

Guillaume laughed at me when I said I wear long johns. I guess it's not very manly. Here we are yesterday going out to lunch for our last class. This was one of my favorite classes as we talked about EVERYTHING together. (Walking to the restaurant, we reviewed the phrase "I'm coming" for its double meaning. In France, since Elizabeth is from there, they say J'arrive! But here in Quebec they say J'viens! See, I told you we talk about everything.) I'm sure we'll meet again next session.
Now the session is officially over. Ordinarily, I would have five or six weeks off now, but this year I have a contract which starts next week and concludes at the end of January. I will only have two weeks off starting next weekend. Oh right, next weekend we're leaving for the west coast - Seattle, Vancouver and Orange County California. I'm really excited about Vancouver because I've never been there. For now though, I've got to finish up all my evaluations. Have a lovely weekend y'all.
Hubba hubba! I especially like the long johns.
Enjoy the west coast!
I couldn't tell the difference. And whatever weight you gain, you will lose it.
You'll go jogging in the Spring and the extra weight will go away. Did you mention how we get religion while coming? Oh God! California at Christmas, the decorated Palm Trees, the fake snow, Swimming on Christmas day. Paradise is made of this. ed
The anal cancer diet has done wonders for me, I'm down 34lbs, but I don't recommend it. Have fun on the west coast, Seattle and Vancouver are 2 of my favorite places.
You might see the slight differences between the pre- and post-quit body, but I have to tell you, they are so slight I can barely see them. It's not like you gained 50 lbs, after all! And just think of those lungs slowly turning a healthy pink again...
Longjohns are very sexy, I think.
15 lbs is not that much. You look wonderful.
You look smoother to me, if that makes any sense. I like the new you! Mostly because you don't stink and you are healthier! Fifteen pounds on a 6+ foot tall dude is nothing. Now, picture 15 pounds on Canada's tallest midget and you'll be living my nightmare! LOL! It's all relative though. You may end up with the flu this winter and you'll lose that in three days.
Wait. Is this Thursday? I had to squint to find the difference between those two photos. Use the invisible insulation this winter and then get out in the spring to walk it off, if you still feel you need to.
I want to attend your class.
I don't see a difference between the two pictures, except for the faint gray hairs by the bely button. I think if you readjust the waistband so that it's straight across makes a difference in the "look". With the waistband "sagging" in the front it makes it look like the stomach is causing that, when it isn't. In regards to the long johns, good for you. Being out and about walking in the weather, it doesn't take long before you feel the frigid cold.
It seems like you have been smoke-free a lot longer. But congratulations anyway. :-)
Oh yeah, you're HUGE!!! ;P
Like everybody else, I am not sure that I can detect the 15ilbs.
I'm with Rox. Seriously, I like a few extra pounds. I think it makes people look better. Think Nancy Reagan.
Let's see: towel conundrum, candid long john shots... These are just a few reasons why I love your blog.
You are my secret blog hero.
Guillaume may be sniggering atcha, but yer the comfy one as he shivers in his cullottes.
On the other hand, only a former Californian would think we've had long-john-worthy temperatures up to now.
Wearing long johns in that weather is smart. If it isn't manly, well, you can figure out the logic from here.
15 lbs on your frame- not particularly significant. Not smoking for 164 days, 6 hours, 53 minutes and 56 seconds is significant. Congratulations!
I guess Bigg's secret is out now. You're the hero!
re: body - I'll trade you!
You do not look bad at all and even if the 15 extra stays, it is a small price to pay for the extra years on your life that you are addding and th eoverall improvment in your health.
Congratulations on the 6 months of non smoking. I am getting ready to take another run at quitting.
As a fellow longjohn wearer, I think you are only showing good sense.
15 lbs! Where? I'm 5'3" so if I gained 15 lbs. I'd look like a pear. A non smoking, homicidal, pear.
Still think your pretty hot. Jealous of Serge. :-)
Won't help the 15lbs situation, but there's a gelato place, La Casa Gelato, off Commercial Drive (1033 Venables St) in East Vancouver that serves heaps o' flavours and really wacky ones too (e.g.: dill pickle, pear and gorgonzola, apple cheddar, curry, wild asparagus with cranberries, etc). Yum and at this time of year it won't be 4 deep at the counters as whenever I've been there. Enjoy!
Being of almost the same age and height, I am not here to blow smoke up your prolapse like everyone else is doing. I will tell you flat out...it gets harder and harder to lose those extra couple pounds as each spring rolls back around. I noticed already that since we closed the pool and I quit swimming, I packed it back on even faster than I did last year and we haven't even gotten through the foody holidays yet!
Will you be blogging on your vacation? Please take a drive through Coto and get some pics for me.
oh for god's sake, just wait until you're as old as I am....and it won't be THAT long! Keep working at it...with every single meal, pay attention. My last six weeks in the gym has made a definite difference for me. Let's both keep working at it, okay??? You look good...really good.
I don't think there is much difference at all with just a little less definition but something not to worry about. At your age, you can still lose it faster than when you are older, and you exercise and walk a lot so not really a problem.
Summary: Ya look fine.
Bring your long johns to Vancouver. We are having our first snow fall of the year. Yup, just to make you feel right at home!
You KNOW I'm not one to blow smoke up your ass, but I have to admit that there is very little difference in the two pictures. The tiniest Buddha belly and a little less definition. Still better than a good 90% of the adult public.
I always love your photos and enjoy seeing the sites where others live. I esp. love the tree with berries, the bicycle cemetary, the surpised house and christmas tree. I never go out without my camera either.
Um, what-the-fuck-ever. Seriously, a little bit of padding is cute.
My verification word is "matin", even though it is clearly soir.
I'll chime in - you look great! Don't sweat it.
Oh, I always find a little bit of tummy irresistible.
Everyone is wrong. You've become a giant repulsive blubber monster. I just barfed.
I'm with everyone else but look again. Your pecs look bigger and more toned.
Continued congrats on your smoke-free live! Even 15 lbs heavier, you don't look bad at all.
For what it's worth, I like the heavier shot best.... ;-)
Can't really do much more than add my voice to the chorus, but I know how we feel and how we look to others rarely match up. I'm a bit more padded right now than I would like as well, so I'm preparing to be a bit more careful about portions during the holidays than is typical for me.
I LOVE Vancouver and Seattle (not yet seen Orange Co. CA.) I hope you have a fantastic time. I think you'll find Vancouver to be gorgeous.
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