From the dear cousins of course. The inside is the best though. There are two pages for each movement. Here is one of them.

The other page lets you jot down the date and time, any unusual characteristics and even has a place for you to sketch your poo. I wonder how much the creator of this book pocketed, and I also wonder why it wasn't me who came up with it.
The trip has been fun so far. Lots of snow and ice and libations with family. We're staying
here until Saturday when we go to Vancouver for a few days. Then down to socal. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. See you later!
I can't believe you're SO CLOSE...and yet so far with snow and ice. It's been quite a ride around here. The B&B looks amazingly fun. Enjoy Vancouver -- one of my favorites. Oh, and happy crapping too. Makes me want to run for the toilet just so I can log it (no pun intended) on the little score sheet. I'll bet I'd win.
Ah a poo log, I need one! Happy Holidays.
A Poo Log, how redundant. So glad you're enjoying your vacation. Safe travel and may your New Years resolutions come true. ed
Omg, that's hilarious!
That B&B looks like an amazing place in a beautiful location. I'm so envious you're heading to Vancouver. Say 'hi' to the Oasis bar for us on Davie St.
What a perfect gift for you! It's perfectly disgusting, IMHO, but my O doesn't matter a whit.
Enjoy the vacay. Merry Christmas Season.
Seems everyone knows about your scatalogical interests.
That book is hilarious... wonder where they found it.
Dear Torn he was a teacher of English to the French. There was only one thing on his mind and it had quite a stench. The students did learn English taught with steely words like hoops. But the only English they ever learned was six different words for Poop!
Looks like you received the perfect Xmas gift. I hope your entire holiday season is just as perfect.
Have a great vacation!
I can't imagine a more perfect gift for you! Too, too funny! Glad you're having fun!
Torn, there's got to be a poo related product you can come up with. It would be so "What Color is Your Parachute" for you.
Poophoria? Only you could receive such a gift.
You're just up in Kitsap? Damn, that's close. Except that I've been snowed in for the past 12 days, I might think of heading up that way to say hi.
Since I can't:
So your excrement obsession isn't limited to blog musings. Cousins across the country are familiar, presumably anyone you meet learns of your fascination with feces. Interesting.
Are you alone in this, or do you belong to some kind of dung-loving subculture most of us don't know about?
You and your poop fetishes. If it's not a dirty towel it's a book on capturing your movements. Good God!
Enjoy the Northwest. I love Seattle...miss it terribly.
I'm sitting here blinking and grinning. I have no words.
It frightens me some that I was just thinking yesterday that I couldn't believe you hadn't started a side-blog just to catalog these sorts of details.
Santa always knows what we really want in our hearts, I guess. ; )
Ok, I really, really think the poo thing has gone too far.
OMG! Definitely not a coffee table book. ;-)
I love it! I really do! When you have babies they ask you to do this in the hospital, mostly so you can pick up on your babies' rythms I guess. Well, I did it for months with both of them, just so I could fully get the poop groove.
Turds of a feather you and I.
Careful when you get to Vancouver! We've had about 70cm of snow in the past 2 weeks that has suddenly begun to melt from all the rain, and very quickly at that, turning all the streets to giant puddles during the day and ice ponds at night. And there should be another foot of snow+rain by the time you get here!
Sorry to interrupt your quiet x-mas but this is what Christian Palestinians got on the day after x-mas.
Christian Palestinians celebrated xmas in Gaza and the holy land with Irsaeli planes that have killed more than 300 civilians and 30 children and 20 women. When will governments realize that people in this region want to live in Peace and co exist. Good hearted Americans like you can end this bloodshed.
call your congress and representive now to put pressure on Israel to end this maddness.
Where did they find that book? Of course, it's perfect for you!
Glad your trip is going well. The guest house looks nice. Enjoy the rest of the trip!
What an appalling gift, you must be in heaven. Happy Holidays.
That gift must have been made for you!
Dare I say its the perfect gift!
Enjoy your trip.
A more perfect gift would be hard to find.
Perhaps you'll share a sketch or three with us sometime...?
I know someone who gave his friends poo logs for Christmas.
Let's just say he was the only one who liked it (and used it reguarly).
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