Me: Honey, I've got a confession to make. I had a moment of weakness.
Serge: You had sex with someone!
Me: No, no, no. Nothing like that.
Serge: You smoked!
Me: Bite your tongue! I did not smoke. Now try again.
Serge: Hmmm...... You bought ice cream?
Me: You're right! Third time's the charm. So, you want some? It's Rocky Road.
Serge: Okay, but bring me the Goglu too.
Yeah, so ice cream is a pretty big sin in this household. Right after infidelity and falling off the smobriety wagon. We consumed half the tub and now my tummy hurts this morning, so it's a good thing that such purchases are few and far between.
I'll bet 90% of that cookie company's business is from guys, 'cause no guy can turn down a Dare.
Oh goodie... your pic made my mouth water and yet I don't normally eat meat. Perhaps it is time for a change of diet in my case. Food porn is the best porn of all, yum!
Did you use the marinade???
Have you and Serge always been "foodies" (I think that is the proper slang term for gourmet diners) or am I just noticing this about you? Quit your day job and start a cooking show!
sounds fartacious
Ice-cream is an essential ingredient for a mentally healthy diet. And you can't be physically healthy without being mentally healthy. That's my philosophy anyway, which is why I eat lots and lots of ice-cream
The Goglu looks really good. Too many nuts in Rocky Road for me, though ice cream in general is a good idea.
I need to spend a year in Canada, methinks, just to experience the culture and the cookies.
Ice cream must definitely happen from time to time. And I noticed that the Goglu contains "fancy molasses". What, pray, makes it fancy?
Last weekend we stayed with friends. Fired the grill for the first time this season with some nicely seaoned ribeye steaks. Mmmm mmmm mmm! These were cuts about 1.5" thick. Perfect.
Keyron made southern style potato salad and we gained two more converts. If you've never had it I highly recommend it.
Yummy. That looks yummy.
Although, I had some killer Chili last night.
My word verification is "fopla." I think it means when you fall asleep before actually having sex.
Ok that dindin looks AMAZING! those cookies are almost kindof healthy in the larger scheme of the dessert world. I think it's incredibly funny that you can go from infidelity to ice cream in three choices!!! LOL
Ah, food! Gluttony and Sloth are my 2 favorite mortal sins. Lust is great, but it's easier to take a nap or get a good meal.
If ice cream is a deadly sin, I must be on a fast rocket straight to hell. Breyers is the best.
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