OMG this was good. Mom is an avid fisherwoman (see blog
here) and had just come back with a major haul of yellowtail, yellowfin and albacore. We've been in seafood heaven here and look what she threw together last night for dinner. This does nothing for you if you're averse to eating sea creatures, but I was in heaven.

I went up to Long Beach yesterday and met friends and had a wonderful lunch at
Gladstone's. (Thanks Donna!) We found some pinball machines and played Terminator too. A real trip down memory lane.

Here's mom and the kids. They kept talking about the kids and I thought they were referring to someone in the neighborhood or something, but no, they were referring to these two. It's so funny to see the dog and cat rolling around playing with each other. I don't think they realize they are not the same species. Of course every time I try to get a video of them playing they stop and walk away as if nothing was happening.
I did get a video of me and my dad playing a tune together. Something I wrote when I was 16 but never recorded for posterity sake. It's riddled with errors, but that's what being an amateur is all about.
Embed isn't working for some reason, so you can watch it
That's a pretty cat and a sweet looking dog.
Your mom made that sushi platter? Am I too old for her to adopt me?
You already know my reaction to the platter...
Doggie and kitty are very cute together...as are you and pop.
Yum Yum , that sushi platter is outa this world , your Mom doesn't even look japernessey at all , your dog and cat siblings are very cute , you should roll around and play with them so you Mom can have a video of all her children getting along : )
Well, your talents and good looks are rightfully inherited! Love the way that platter looks.
I would have eaten that platter all by myself.
I'm sitting here in the living room, and my daughter (who just turned 21 OMG) is on her laptop on the other sofa. She overheard your music video and declared that "it sounds very Peanuts." You're in good company! (I liked it too. Pretty amazing for 16 yrs. old.)
Loved the video! What a fun and talented fambly!
Say now, that pooch is cute.
LOL word verification is "gatedbut". True story.
That platter is making my mouth water. Again, true story!
And it seems the older I get, the more appreciative of family ties (mine or anyones!) I become - it was heartwarming to see you and your dad playing your song together.
I was thinking it sounded a little like something from the Doors. Great tune.
I think your Mom's cat is my cat's cousin. ; )
Glad you're having a swell time.
OMG your mum made that sushi platter? All of the boiled potatoes of my youth would be redeemed if mine could "throw that together" on a visit.
you and your dad have the exact same profile. Great song, looked like you were playing from memory?
Hiya, hope you're well. i just popped on here again today. lush photo of fish!! yum x
OMG, SUSHI!!! Love it!
The Grande Lesbian Sage lives in Long Beach. You should have hunted her down.
Word verification: sissi
While I'm not a fan of tuna at all I do enjoy the various salmon and veg based sushi rolls. I also enjoy eel and shrimp rolls. I tried mackerel once but it was a bit too fishy for my tastes (although it was edible, which is more than I can say for any of the tuna based sushi rolls).
The sushi platter looks spectacular... But I would eat it all... Also, the family portrait is completely adorable!
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