I switched cell phone companies yesterday and it was far easier to do than I had anticipated. I had been paying (well in truth it was Serge who was paying) $42 a month for something I used about 20 minutes per month. That comes out to a couple bucks a minute. I switched to Virgin Mobile and now pay thirty cents a minute. I bought a hundred bucks worth of minutes and that will last a year. No setup fee, no access fee, no hidden anything fees. So apart from having to buy a new phone (sixty bucks) it will now cost me $8.33 a month. Canada has a reputation of having some of the highest cell phone rates in the world, so I was pretty tickled with Virgin. I got to keep my phone number too. The only downside is that it won't work when I travel to the states, but Serge will have his Iphone. He's locked into a three year $80 a month contract for that. More fascination from you, I'm sure.
We watched Kill Bill last night. Are we the last to do so? I liked it except where it dragged in a few places. Campy and over the top and the violence fit right in with the Halloweeniness. Serge kept pointing out plot faults: "How can she fly to Japan right after being in a coma for 4 years? How'd she get a passport?" Suspend your disbelief I kept shushing. Georgie likes watching tv with us and every time there's a dog on tv, his ears prick up and his head tilts. It's so cute. I haven't got a pic of that yet, but here he is with me last night.

I'm like Serge, in the fact I can never suspend my disbelief that much. I'm my father's son, in that respect.
I figure, I'm one of the few non-Tarantino fans. I just have not given a crap about any of his work.
I'm right with you on the cell phone. Greg and I together pay US$80 per month and use them mere minutes per month. It's crazy. We were going to check out the new Walmart pre-paid cell deal, but we both hate Walmart for moral reasons. I never thought of Virgin Mobile. I wonder if they operate in the U.S.? I've never seen a single ad for them.
I let my pay-as-I-go phone lapse a month ago (forgot to buy a new card on the last day of the month) and, surprisingly, I haven't even missed not having use of a cell.
Fascinating, eh?
I'm not particularly a Tarantino fan, either, so I also haven't seen it. And David watched it without me one night while I was working, so who knows if I'll get around to it now.
I was wondering about Georgie today. How is he behaving when it is shower time?
Our dogs are not very keen on being showered unless it's done by certain member of my family.
I use my cell phone for work a lot, so I cringe when it rings. I am not a phone talker at all.
Because I live in the dark frozen tundra of no man's land, only one carrier really works well in these parts. I refuse to have a plan, they just rape you! So, I do pay and talk and I add unlimited texting. 25 smackers a month and I'm good to go.
We had some major wind here yesterday. Now the snow is covered with leaves. Ugh.
Georgie is a smart dog to watch TV and recognizing dogs.
My dog Maggie used to bark at birds on the tv, then look behind the tv as if she expected to find them there, then come back to the screen to double check they were there, etc. etc.
It's been years since I've been pretty tickled with a virgin.
I like it when you say Virgin....mobile. Hehehe.
And just yesterday I noticed that the leaves on the tree outside our window have lost enough leaves that I can now see down the street and tell if the traffic light is red or green! Such are the effects of the seasons on our lives.
Fall is falling here too. I have a ton of leaves already and that's with only half of them down.
There will be far more competition in the mobile market once all carriers are on the same technology (Nov 05). Then they will all be duking it out for clients. Look for new entrants like Wind and Videotron as well. The only thing that I would caution about prepaid plans is that carriers often change the rules on the expiry of prepaid minutes. Sometimes the minutes expire after 90 days.
BTW. I liked Kill Bill 2 better than the original.
You're not the last. I still haven't seen Kill Bill. Or Top Gun. Or a million other movies and shows that friends can't believe I've missed!
The picture is too cute for words. You look so happy. That's what pets do for us.
Some people can't help but point out things like Serge and I don't think they enjoy movies as much as those of us who can "forget". I love Edward Scissorhands but my sister hated it because she couldn't get past the "not real" part of it. Loved both Kill Bill movies, 2nd one was better except when he shot the bride. Georgie is very cute and fits right in.
I have never seen "kill bill" and I never will. (ooooh, rhymes!)
I don't own a cell phone and never will.
my leaves are half on and half off. and SUCH pretty reds and yellows too!
were you and georgie high last night? you both seem to have that glassy eyed stare...WOOF to you both!
i watched kill bill 1 & 2 last night :) not for the first time, like you though. it was a toss up between them and scary movie (parts one to whatever we have) kill bill won.
good thing that serge didn't notice at the end of the film all the katana swords held by the seats of the air plane when she was writing her kill list.
i love the movie for its campiness and over the top violence. i also like the music. it somehow fits with the whole thing.
I don't do gore or extreme violence, so Tarantino is out for me. As far as suspending disbelief, it depends on how well they do the rest to make you willing. Some B movies revel so much in their Bness that you LOVE to believe (i.e. "Tremors" and "Anaconda"). And others are comic books; bad science and a big budget sometimes makes for a great popcorn movie. I can't wait to see "2012."
You and Georgie have the same contented look. (I will watch gratuitous Georgie shots.)
One can now fly on Virgin airlines, talk on Virgin phones, and keep your money in the Virgin money bank. I can't wait until I can buy a Virgin bed and matteress set. Georgie is a sweetie. ed
I enjoyed Kill Bill as well, and I don't like gory movies. I thought it was fun.
I think I'm in love with your Georgie!!!
I haven't seen "Kill Bill" yet, either. Does Georgie react to doorbells ringing on the telly?
I love the look on both ur faces, here.
I hate violent movies yet loved Kill Bill simply because of the cartoonishness. Glad you finally saw it.
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