So you see the cutting board in this picture? It has hung in that very spot since we brought it home a year ago. We were at Ikea to finalize details on the kitchen cabinets we purchased there, and the kitchen accessory section was just adjacent. All things kitchen hypnotize Serge and as I followed him through the area, he picked up dozens of things proclaiming "we need this!" I said things to engender his love like " Can you define need?" and "We've never made bread, so how can we need a bread-maker?" etc. I thought we did pretty good by getting out of the kitchen section with a few pans, a metal shelf (the cutting board is hanging from it) the cutting board and a tablecloth (which is still in the original wrapping as I write today.) The problem with the cutting board is that it looks so good with it's uniform wood color (that matches nicely with the cabinets I might add) and it's stylish metal trim that we don't want to use it and sully the surfaces. So we have continued using the $2 plastic cutting boards of which we have three. I refer (unfortunately for Serge) to the cutting board now when the phrase "we need this" is used. It shuts him up and saves me money.

Is this what Romaine lettuce is supposed to look like? I've never grown Romaine lettuce but I've bought it at the store hundreds of times. Funny, I've never seen a three foot head of lettuce. We've been eating the lettuce and giving it to neighbors and it tastes like store bought, so what's the problem right? The problem is that when you have garden admirers over, one is pressed to explain how the lettuce grew like that. So far the consensus is that they were planted too close to one another and therefore grew up instead of out. I like to think that I have special lettuce, standing tall in the glow of my love.

I was just at Ikea and I loved that kitchen rack system, but I have nowhere to put it. Wood is easier on your knives than plastic.
What's happening to your lettuce is called "bolting." It usually happens when the weather gets too hot; lettuce is considered a cool weather crop. The leaves start tasting bitter now too.
I'm happy you and the pink cup found each other.
If I post a stickler on a blog from two years ago, will you see it?
I have pink cup's brother, blue bowl. It's so old, I don't remember where it came from, but I remember having it at least 30 years ago. The amazing (to me) thing is that it disapeared for about 17 years, and then showed up a few weeks ago.
Even more amazing...why am I doing this? Will anyone read this? Is Rebekah your sister, mother, or biggest fan?
I'm hooked on your blogging. Eventually, I'll probably catch up to TODAY; then what will I read? Why do I feel somewhat pathetic, doing this?
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