Thursday, November 10, 2005

HNT and sleepwalking

It seems like it's always the same shot, oh well Happy HNT from me and Sara.

I've been sleepwalking again. I don't know what triggers it, or why I do it. Serge caught me the other night futzing with the front door and sent me back to bed. I have no memory of it. And then Sunday, I "woke up" sitting in the smoking room with a lit cigarette in my hand with my robe on. This is worrisome. I don't really know what can be done about it though.

'Nother short post today, stay tuned for the final installment of the road to Montreal tomorrow.


dantallion said...

Aww...adorable - although puppy looks a little camera-shy

Anonymous said...

Cute. Great HNT

Happy HNT

kimmyk said...

Aw. Totally lovin the doggie!
Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

The dog does look a little freaked. My dog does that too. Puts on a "don't beat me" face although he's never had any such treatment. Faker.

_Psycho said...

You need a new concept for HNT ;)

sleepwalking ? Yeah indeed that's pretty strange. I wonder if anything exist to fix that. No idea, as long as nothing wrong happen but indeed it's a bit scary.

epicurist said...

Sara is adorable

Bsoholic said...

I've slept walked myself a few times. Pretty scary stuff.

Cute doggy! Happy HNT

Lyvvie said...

Nice pipc, but SHIT! Waking up with a lit fag in your hand?? Fuck me (not really) but you've got to see someone about that before you burn the house down! (Damn, now have "Burnin' down the house" playing in my head)

Seriously, as a friend who's never met you, go talk to your Dr., that's some serious stress reaction you're having. Promise me?!

MamaKBear said...

Awwww! I just love the expression on Sara's face!
Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

love that little hair around your nipple...

MG said...

adding cute animals to you HNT's will always give you high marks, although the dog looks a bit scared, lol

You however, look just fine.... ;)

Have a great HNT

epicurist said...

BTW, I like this whole HNT movement and am stealing your idea as well.

Tess said...

With the two of you, we'll take the same shot over and over.

Can't help you with the sleepwalking, I sleep like the dead.

Happy HNT!

Mara said...

awww.. the puppy looks comfy LOL Happy HNT

Lee Ann said...

oh, I like that! Happy HNT!

r said...

I wish I could give Sara a big old snuggle right now.

Scott & Julia said...

Aww, what a cute shot! I love the doggie :) Happy HNT!

Beth said...

Awwww, what a sugar!

Happy HNT!

(For the sleepwalking, try Ambien. It cures ALL things.)

Patricia said...

great pic. cropping the eyes just makes me wanna see more. and they say you should always leave your audience wanting more...