Ridiculous as in worthy of ridicule.
Personally, a little crack shot, while possibly offputting on an overweight plumber, is quite pleasant on the finely built Survivor contestants.
In fact, to prove that it's not all that unpleasant, I give you my crack for HNT.
Also, I don't know what "worksafe" means.
If you are hesitatant (mom?) scroll no further.

Confused about HNT? Don't be, inform yourself here.
Very nice. Very, very nice.
Mmmm that arm, back, and crack....very nice! HHNT!
ohhhhhhhh nice......err....crack!! hehe (Bet the rest looks cute too..hehe)
Ooh la la...I love HNT!!
How could thatbe the same crack that spends it's days eating suger all day in sugar shacks?
Nice knickers darlin!
um... how do I respond to that? All that comes to mind are inappropriate comments.
Hope you didn't have to get up and out so early today.
hey, another butt show-er. excellent. let's start a club.
Nice. Still trying to get over the pork tenderloin one.
well your crack is pretty damn nice! happy HNT!
Aaaah! My wholesome, virginal eyes! If only that had been blurred out, I wouldn't have been so quickly led down the path of sin to meet the eternal fires of hell and damnation.
Eh. I'll get over it.
They blur out buttcrack on TV?
Thankfully, they don't bother with blogs.
Nice ass, can I give it a little smack?
Happy HNT ;)
Hey you need to be on your knees under the "sink" with some tools next time ;)
I was thinking to myself "I wonder what Tornwordo posted about today?" then I remembered it was HNT...
Love the camera technique! Nice crack too!
And again I'm with _psycho... that's one crack I wouldn't mind being presented from underneath the kitchen sink. (_psycho: imagine it with a tool belt!)
I’ll echo the other commentators by noting that you have a nice bum.
I also never understood the anti-ass agenda of the Religious Right.
Yes, very nice crack :) HHNT!
Nice photo. Only thing that could improve on it would be to have the same photo with the shorts around your ankles. :)
Happy HNT
nice. what's the other camera for?
I did a crack shot a while back. It is one of my favs! HOT! HHNT
nice junk, man! I am definitely going to do those squats you told me to do...hopefully, my ass will get as bubbly as yours. ;-p
DAMN - that is HOT! VERY HOT!
I feel dirty just being here.
Thanks to Butchie, you're tagged again.
totally cute butt!
Way too sexy.
I know I'm supposed to be looking at the crack, but my eye is drawn to the muscle cut on your arm. Very nice.
you have really nice skin, too. I should get back into HNT.
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