I reached into the pantry for a late night snack - Nature Valley Sweet and Salty Peanut Bars. I like these because they remind me of Payday candy bars which aren't sold here. Anyway, what I pulled out was a tube of Blistex. What the f$%k? I found it so strange, how did a tube of Blistex get into our box of granola bars? I took the box out to look inside. All was normal. Didn't make sense, I didn't buy any Blistex, spouse doesn't use lip balm, weird!
And then I read the box.

Forgive me for saying so, but thank you for not putting bathroom products in my foodstuffs.
What marketing moron thought this up!?
Maybe you can eat them faster with the help of a little lubrication. Very strange though....perhaps some kind of "Quebec thing?"
Weird. I don't see the connection either.
I'm still stuck on the "sweet & salty" aspect ... but then, i'm a dirty little monkey.
maybe the blistex is to remoisten the lips after the saltiness of the granola dries them out ...
Could be worse ... it could be a free tube of Preparation H in your Cheerios.
Hmm, what a weird combination. Maybe the lip balm is edible?! :)
mmmmm. nature valley sweet and salty. mmmm.
oh, wait, i mean, some kind of actual comment on the post...
maybe it's because nature valley makes trail mix type stuff and when you're on the trail you need some blistex to protect your lips from wind and sun...
My guess is "anything free inside will make customer to choose our product" come into action here !
That's the strangest cross-marketing I've seen in years.
I'm waiting for the Free-Cigarette-With-Nicorette scheme.
makes perfect sense. The saltyness of the nut bars tends to dehydrate the lips, leading to the dreaded "white lip" from excessive salt consumption and creating pruney lips. Why, what better way to combat this then a liberal application (after eating of course) of your favorite brand of blistex? Genuis! Pure genuis!
crap. 6 beat me to it. damn him.
ohhh ... jjd ... don't be hatin' ... i haven't talked to you in so long ... let's not start on a bad foot :)
i can't think about the odd combination. i'm too overwhelmed with sadness for you that you don't have payday candybars.
that's just wrong.
Just gross.
Are they trying to tell you something about the effects of their product?!
Blistex in your Sweet & Salty? That's just wrong!
Clearly Nature Valley should have included Maybelline's Ruby Desire lipstick instead. What were they thinking?
What's wrong with Blistex? They can be a healthy snack.
Seems to me that this says more about the effects their food product has on your lips than about better lip care.
tres bizarre indeed. I don't see how the markets for each product bisect eachother. do the bars make your lips chap or perhaps does the odor wafting up into your nose from the blistex makes you hungry for the bar.
Could be worse. Nature Valley could have had a promotional agreement with Tampax.
Nothing says good nutrition like the ebbing of a light flow.
I love the sweet and salty bars...
And there can never be too much chapstick in the world.
I love it.
zomg, those sweet and salty peanut bars are like crack! I buy them in the 36 ct box. Yummay!
those madison avenue nuts. what will they think of next? but really, why would nature valley want to send the message that their product gives you blisters??
All I have to say is "Sweet & Salty?????"
Sweet and salty is one of the all-time best flavor combinations.
Anyway, maybe it's a Canadian thing: you know, lip balm for those trapped on a bitter and forsaken windswept tundra.
Someone got PAID to come up with that cross promotion. Cause so many people are at the store, debating on whether or not to buy the Sweet & Salty and then they see the free Blistex and it pushes them right into the Purchase aisle.
People are idiots.
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