Monday, January 14, 2008

Superbad flying

When we flew out west, the first plane we took was on Air Canada. Many of Air Canada's planes are new and outfitted with personal TVs in each seat. Ours was. They had loads of movies, tv shows, documentaries and other programming available for each passenger to choose. Of all the upgrades I've seen for passenger flight, this has got to be the finest. It makes the hours fly by and you can see that movie that you've been wanting to see. For me, that movie was Superbad.

Have you seen this movie? It has got some of the nastiest dialogue that had me giggling from the opening scene. I kept shrinking in my seat, sneaking peaks around at other passengers to see if they could see what I was laughing at. There was only one quick boob shot in the film, but the foul language was, well so foul, that I kept worrying others could hear it. I have not laughed that much at a film in a long time. It's pretty much male adolescent humor, and if that's your thing, I highly recommend it.

The rest of the time, we were stuck on United. United does not have the personal viewing system for their passengers. They have several communal TVs hanging down from the ceiling. I banged my head on them every time I embarked and debarked. They played films I had no interest in. Nor did I have interest in putting on the headphones used by the passengers before me. We did notice next to the bathroom door an ashtray with a little cigarette emblem on it. Right next to it, there was a No Smoking emblem. As you might imagine, this ashtray does not inspire confidence in the flying apparatus. How old is this hollowed out barn anyway? I remember smoking on a flight in '84 so I'm guessing the plane was at least 25 years old. United also wanted to charge me $150 for a seat with more legroom. I asked at check-in, since I'm so freakishly tall, if I could get an exit or bulkhead row. Sure, if you pay for it. So we were stuck in the last row on all the flights, the very last one next to the toilets. And next to the confidence inspiring ashtray.


Watson Crick said...

When we flew to Hawaii last summer, the contrast between Air Canada and United was especially poignant.

Yet another indication that the US is slowly becoming a second world country.

Anonymous said...

Now that WAl-Mart is our largest employer I think we've arrived in 3rd world country. Wouldn't that be discrimination to make a guy pay for more leg room? So a short guy like me would get a discount? I doubt it. Ed

dpaste said...

Why do you hate America? ;-)

Anonymous said...

I recall a bus trip to NYC on a bus that played a movie on communal screens. The return trip was in the middle of the night (for me - 2am - 4 am) and I wanted to sleep. I did not care for the movie and there were no headphones - just the sound blaring over the bus's PA system. Grrr....

Cooper said...

And yet I've heard co-workers complaining about Air Canada flights, too. I guess it's a matter of comparison. I'm just glad you and Spouse made it home safely.

bardelf said...

I fly Air Canada whenever I can. Very fortunately for me, they do fly into Raleigh-Durham. I've racked up a lot of miles on AC and enjoy their level of services.

don said...

I love those new Embrauer jets that AC flys on the short haul flights to the US. This Christmas I stepped off one of those sleek little numbers in LAX and headed straight the "pigs in space experience" for my UA flight to Maui. It was so grim. The only thing older than the plane was the crew.

A Lewis said...

DEbarked....I love that word. It's like they took your "barker" out.

GayProf said...

United and Northwest are the worst! I can't get over the extra fee for certain seats (not to mention the nerve to try and charge $2 for a small bag of M&M's). Why a class war doesn't break out in the middle of airplanes I'll never know.

CoffeeDog said...

I hate flying nowadays. The airline are allowed to give you the shaft, but we have no leverage to shaft back.

Mark in DE said...

Thanks for the film 'recommendation'. Since I can't help but giggle and enjoy films like 'Jackass', I'm sure I'll enjoy 'Superbad'.

Flying is such a pain since 9/11, and we are absolutely 100% no more 'safe' than before 9/11. The terrorists won, in my opinion.

Mark :-)

Summer said...

That's it, I'm moving to the birthplace of my Grandmother, Canada. Your airlines sound much nicer. Jet Blue isn't bad down here though.

dantallion said...

Good ASHTRAY?? Yep, that sucker was old...

Anonymous said...

Personally, I gave up flying United after they left me on the ground the second time. The first time they simply canceled the flight from Sea-Tac to Sacramento with no prior warning, and then re booked us to an Alaskan Air flight that left before we could get to the Alaska reception desk. The last time, I drove up toe Sea-Tac and the flight had left one and a half hours prior. I'd had no warning of this, and when the attendant printed my ticket for me, it showed the time of my flight as the one that I'd booked and expected. I was flying to Chicago to connect to Dublin. In addition, I was meeting people there who were at that time flying out of LA. I made the trip at great extra expense. No more 'friendly skies' for me.

BTW, I fly American to Montreal. They have no frills, but I've learned to pack my own food.

Will said...

Congratulations on the Verve award! Best Canadian GLBT Blog--nicely done and well deserved.

Anonymous said...

The days of flights being entertaining and fun with full service seem to be a thing of the past indeed.

It does appear to me that you should be able to request a seat with adequate leg room as a lot of the people I sit around seem to take up their seat and mine as well.

Java said...

I'd rather drive if I can. Haven't been on a plane in about 4 years.

Polt said...

I saw Superbad on New Years Eve and I freakin LOVED it!!! HiLARious! Best comedy I've seen in quite a while.

McLovin...I still giggle like a schoolgirl just sayin the word.


madamerouge said...

I bang my head on those monitors, too!