Sunday, January 15, 2006

2006 Goals

1. Read two books in French

2. Quit smoking

3. Learn a new skill

4. Travel to a place I've never been before (Fort Lauderdale? Nova Scotia?)

5. Maintain workout regimen

6. Increase income by 10%

7. Finish 2nd bedroom remodeling

8. Write every day

9. Compose two new songs

10. Find and participate in a local sweatlodge ceremony

Every year, I make a list of ten goals and tape them to the side of the computer screen. That way, they are always there to remind me. It is a good method to help focus your energies and to gain a sense of accomplishment. The trick with the list is to make some of the goals VERY easy to attain. For example, in this list, numbers 1, 3, 5 and 8 are at least partially accomplished. (I've begun reading The Alchemist in French, I've already learned to knit, I have maintained my workout regimen for over a decade already, and you already know that I write every day.)

Whatever goals you have been unable to attain previously automatically go on next year's list. The only repeat this year for that reason is number 2. (Dammit!) Sometimes I repeat an attained goal, because I liked it. Such as #1 and #4.

And then there are a couple of new goals like # 7 and #10 which I look forward to accomplishing (though this will become dread if it hasn't happened by fall)

Resolutions don't work, but a goal list that you have a whole year to get around to does.

Try it!


_Psycho said...

Hmmm, this is a good idea, maybe ill try to make something constructive in 2006 ;)

r said...

Here's my list of goals:
1. Be happy with who I am
2. Be happy with what I've got.

Every year it's the same. And every year I get a bit closer.

Snooze said...

I like the attainable goals. Sometimes I get too 'pie in the sky' and then lists just seem discouraging.

Adam said...

You should read L'Etranger in French. I read it in english and in french and so much is lost in translation.

St. Dickeybird said...

You write songs? Do you have any posted online?
I'd love to hear.
And good luck with #2, i'm struggling.

tornwordo said...

Nongirlfriend: It's a native practice where you sweat and pray in a tent with hot rocks.

Adam: Thanks for the suggestion, that'll be my second one for the year. Yay!

Dickybird: I don't have any posted on line, they are stored in the piano itself and I mostly do it for me. I have a tape somewhere..... Mostly, it's bossa nova base with kind of pop melody on top. Stick with it, I'm shooting for Friday as quit day.