When I finished it last night, I spent a good half an hour playing with the scarf, admiring it's many excellent qualities. It's stretchy! It's warm. It's long. And I made it all myself.
Which is why there are a lot of holes in it. It looks like maybe the moths got at it. But not from a distance. I plan to study the holes to see what I did wrong, since my learning curve is recorded on it as weather is in tree rings. I knitted the long way, so each row took me about a half an hour to complete (300 stitches) and at the beginning, the rows look really mangled, but toward the end, they are mostly error free.
I'm toying with the idea of joining the Knitting Olympics, what's the next easiest thing to knit after a scarf? I'm thinking maybe a cap.
Happy HNT !
Nahhhh I think you can skip the working out.
Have you considered designing for International Male? ;)
cute! you could always knit me a tea cozy...I just got a teapot and I REALLY want a tea cozy! ;)
Happy HNT!
You are HOT! Why are all the good ones gay or taken?
Wow, you made the scarf yourself? I do not know how to knit and am not sure I'm patient enough for it. You did a great job...I like it. And you look amazing in the photo. Happy HNT!
Wow. I will never look at scarves the same again. Hey, I'll trade you beadwork for yarnwork any time!
Dude, you're killing me.
Nice loin-scarf!!
Make another scarf, this time, knit it the short way...see what happens. Make it red and use that fuzzy yarn.
nice ummm scarf... very clever!
Happy HNT.. get better soon ok?
Awesome pic! Happy HNT!!
Very, very nice. Suddenly, I appreciate your affinity for knitting. ;)
oops - that was me
A man that knows how to knit? Now that is sexy! ANd, you dont need to work out, you look fabulous! Happy HNT
Disturbing picture for work :) Especially when trying to check your scarf and how good you made it ! Nice work btw, If I would not be so busy, I think when I have more time while playing poker online or something. I just start knitting too ;)
you knit? is that a canuck thing? I know another canadian male that knits..
happy HNT goodlookin :)
seems the holes are in all the wrong places!
pretty scarf. pretty man. pretty combo.
OK....firstly, what the HELL are you trying to do to me??!! I obviously cannot get up for my final meeting of the day and will have to call into the Conference Bridge instead.
secondly, I'm not sure your Grandmum would approve of using your knitting prowess to cover your gonads, so please remove the scarf... hee hee! ;-P
Very nice! The scarf looks good too.
Try a cap or slippers, very easy. I knit caps for the whole family this past Christmas, only working on them at night before bed and was finishing one every other night.
Happy HNT!
Heck yes! You look awesome! Happy HNT!
Very sexy. You look very Jesus-like.
I clicked at work and couldn't stay long enough to comment (that would be a difficult image to explain to my boss), but the image stayed with me all day. The scarf is impressive too.
Work out?! And mess up that beautiful body? Wow!
Too long? It should be shorter. Much shorter.
You know where you're headed... where you want to go... screw the "half" naked shtick...
Nice scarf big guy. The rose goes in front.
Happy HNT.
wait till i show this pic to NANA!!
HEHE! Excellent use of a scarf! You're really gettin' into this knitting thing, aren't ya? Great job!
Happy HNT! :)
Moi aussi j'en veux un chauffe pitoune !!
Mais je préfère les pantouffles!
Nice knitts!!
sexy scarf. you wear it well. and it only took me 10 minutes to notice it.
The scarf looks pretty damn good to me ... although maybe it's just how it's draped ...
Popped in from Chunks. Sorry need to go back and look at the scarf again, I couldn't move past the smooth, flat, fabulous stomach before.
Found this thru Chunks...glad I was nosy and had to see what the gals were talking about!!
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