Saturday, February 17, 2007

Saturday photo dump

* All photos are clickable for humungohemoth versions.

This morning's view from the kitchen.

A scene from the window of a student's office window Thursday morning.

Same window, different view. Post storm, the downtown streets were eerily vacant for 8am on a weekday.

Down on the ground in the same area. The wind and blowing snow were painful.

Then just a few meters down, this.


bardelf said...

Lovely photos. Jesus! It looks COLD!

I fly back up to be with my sweetie in Newfoundland this coming Thursday, so will go from relatively warm North Carolina to brrrr. (Of course, after six weeks apart, I'm sure I can get warmed up quickly!)

Thanks for the photos, torn. They get me excited about heading north again.

Chunks said...

That last pic is gorgeous! I just love a church door...and this one is fabulous.

GayProf said...

These are great pics. My favorite is number three, but I have thing for that type of building (I am guessing 30ish architecture?).

Have I mentioned what a mess Boston is? Our snow, rain, freezing rain, snow mix turned our sidewalks into impassable slick-corridors of death. Given the temps have not risen for the past few days, little has changed. The streets have all been plowed, but pedestrians are totally screwed. Just sharin'.

Anonymous said...

You have shared views before from your apartment and they are all gorgeous! How lucky you are to have such spectacular views.

I loved all the pics, but I must admit the church door was awesome to me.

dirk.mancuso said...

Man, what a gorgeous view you have.

anabel said...

Have you been able to see how the sun rises in a different area as the seasons progress?

Loved all the pics. The last one called out for me to make a snow angel there.

Spider said...

THAT is some snow... beautiful pictures Torn - what is the building in the 3rd picture down?

A Bear in the Woods said...

Beautiful shot of the church door.
I often wonder why people choose to live in such inhospitable spots.
My considered position is that we should give AZ back to the Indians, who seem to have really liked it.

r said...

That church door is lovely.

It was over 80 degrees here yesterday.

Patricia said...

those red doors get me every time. just make me want to go inside and see what's behind them.