Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sunday meditation

It's so amazing how a shift in perspective completely changes one's experience. Last year at this time, I was essentially in the same situation, rushing around like a madman like I do at the beginning of each session. I was feeling resentful at all the extra work required, as my weekends were/are chewed up by responsibilities. I remember a great deal of resistance to it all, so much so that I was considering jumping ship and going off to do something new.

This year, I have no resistance and no resentfulness. I am even busier than last year and yet it comes with easy acceptance. What happened?

Pornstar and nude dancer is what happened. For four months I lived in constant fear of financial collapse, constant anxiety over my loss of control, constant teetering on the edge of regret. But now as that all seems to be behind me, this present life of hard work seems like such a gift, maybe even a cozy blanket that I control. And I'm walking around in constant gratitude for it.

I'm starting to see the outline of the lesson. What was hidden from view as I was going through it is now becoming clear - 90 percent of experience is the attitude that you bring to it.

Could it be that I will be grateful for the saga that was nude dancer? Could be. Could be.


Snooze said...

It's true that the same events are perceived differently by different people, so it makes sense that even within ourselves at different points in time we will perceive the same events differently.

Anonymous said...

Many of the most painful or stressful experiences in my life are the very ones that I look back on now and that I am grateful for.

In many cases I questioned why I was "going through this" but on the other side, things were for the better or I learned valuable lessons about love and life and people.

As I grow older I am the more convinced that "the universe is unfolding as it should" even though I don't understand it at the time.

Spider said...

Believe it or not, I think a lot of us learned things from nude dancer...

bardelf said...

One of my favorite cards in the tarot is the Hanged Man, which one can read as being 'stuck, unable to move', or one can simply see it as an opportunity to 'look at a situation from a totally different perspective or angle'.

Cheers to you, torn, for choosing the latter.

GayProf said...

It is funny how it sometimes takes an almost completely destructive moment to resettle our perspective. I sometimes find it hard to find those lessons, even though I firmly believe that it is true that we can learn from every bad moment.

Anonymous said...

Life is what happens while we are busy making a living.
Rule #1. Never sweat the small stuff.
Rule #2. Remember, it's all small stuff.
Rule #3. If it is not small stuff reread rule #2.

erwin1 said...

I think most of the time we don't even realize how much we need a little perspective adjustment... but as Lemuel mentioned its weird how it happens when you need it to, and when all is said and done and your on the other side, life seems beautiful again.

Good for you, for turning it into something positive...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this post. It's a very good reminder.

Enemy of the Republic said...

Sometimes rotton people with their baggage come into our lives and make up better. I'm dealing with this one myself on a different level. The fight against the banality of evil can make one see life in a new way. I'm glad for you.

A Lewis said...

You've got some great comments on here already...full of insight and depth. And they're all right....trouble, stress, anxiety, and crazy situations all bring us into a more level-headed way of life....many times able to more easily cope with the next trial or trouble in our lives. And, looking back is always easier than trying to look into the future.

Patricia said...

yeah i pretty much hate it at the time, but it's the hard times that provide the best lessons. damnitall.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! I love it when that happens. Devo

dpaste said...

You might, rabbit, you might.

A Bear in the Woods said...

I'm sensing a book being born here. Here's the title that comes to me.

Nude Dancer: Chicken Soup for the Genitals.

Kind of says it all, doesn't it?