Friday, January 18, 2008


* I got the new upgrade to the ipod touch. Now I have maps too! And it will calculate directions from where you are to your destination. Only 20 bucks, and I can scratch GPS off my list now.

* It's been a funked up week. As in I've been in a funk. Don't know why really. Probably the impeding reality of returning to work.

* The only thing I really use facebook for is playing scrabble.

* I made a family casserole recipe that required 5 items. Tuna, noodles, cheese, mushroom soup and potato chips. Turned out delicious.

* Do you ever have that thing? That thing where in certain conditions you see an amoeba-like shape shifing as if on your eyeball? And then when you try to focus on it, it scurries off to the side, and you keep doing it, darting your eyes this way and that to get a really good look at the thing? Mine is always the same shape, and I've managed to "look right at it" a few times. It's rare though.

* The snow is losing its magicality but we still have three months to go before it's gone. How can I find the magic once more?

* Is it just me or is everything boring lately? Boring news, boring tv, boring weather. (I told you I was in a funk.)

* I worked up a preliminary tax return. The news is bad. Serge said "You have to make more money!" He's right, but what other job has 20 weeks off per year? Maybe I'll have to take a part time job this summer. Le sigh.


Snooze said...

Once you're back in your routine of teaching that might help with your funk. At the end of some work days even boring news becomes a welcome relief!

Anonymous said...

Please, don't work at "La moulerie"
they don't have brown bread !!
Remenber !!

dan xx

dpaste said...

I get the eye-amoeba thing from time to time. Not in a while, though.

I'm not looking forward to my tax return this

Patricia said...

i know you said a lot of things but honestly i'm fixated on tuna casserole. i love that stuff!! but i have to put frozen peas in mine. and fresh sauted mushrooms. oh yum! hmmmm... i have to go to the grocery store on the way home.

Anonymous said...

I get a wavy line that moves around on my eye then it starts shaking faster. It happens when I'm on the computer, watching TV or reading. Then I can't see well and my head starts to hurt. The pain becomes intense and then the wavy line goes away, leaving behind the headache. I must go to bed and sleep then when I awake my head feels sore inside. I call it a migraine but I'm not sure. Sometimes drinking coffee or coke seems to help. Ed

bardelf said...

Those amoeba-like things that folks have with their vision are known as 'floaters'. They are mostly harmless and nearly everyone has them. They are tiny blood vessels that have ruptured.

I find them rather fascinating, in bright light, to watch them 'move' around.

My adventures said...

the eye things are called "floaters"... i freaked and thought they were an AIDS related complication... they're not...

Cooper said...

Can I have the recipe for that tuna thingy? It sounds easy and delicious.

Snow DOES get to you after a while. It's the monochrome of it, I think ... beautiful, but you need colour and vivacity, too. Three more months of it to go here, too. My friends are planning a party with a Hawaiian luau theme next weekend as a raspberry to winter. It might help ... a bit. Maybe.

dantallion said...

I get the amoeba thing all the time. It amuses me.

Anonymous said...

Yes to the amoeba thingy, and it is probably just the time of yea thingy with the boredom....loved the Le sigh....

Rox said...

I've finally come to terms with Facebook, and I play scrabble too only I totally suck at it.

Yes, the snow is irksome at this time of the year. It's certainly worn off it's welcome around here and we are due for some more tomorrow. Bleh.

I'm also blah this week. Blah! Maybe we need some sort of distraction.

GayProf said...

I never use Facebook for much of anything. It's ultimate purpose still eludes me.

GayProf said...

That's "its" not "it's." ugh.

Polt said...

Le Sigh....hehehehe.....

I know what you mean about that damn squiggly thing in your line of sight. Unfortunately for me, when i get that, it generally means a migraine is on the way, that's one of the indicators for me.


Adam said...

Brad did some research about those "floaties" in the eyes. Apparently if you have a lot of them it means something got disconnected in your eye, but I forget what.

A Lewis said...

Magicality? Now that's one I'm going to have to explore. Everyone has floaters. Everyone. Shouldn't have too many or frequently.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and "floaters" is the technical term too. I was shocked by that. My research indicated that they are also composed of genetic material left over from when our eyes were formed.

When I had the flu a few months ago the floaters got so bad that it was distracting my vision. It's better now.

Birdie said...

Post-holiday funk combined with a tax return: no wonder you're feeling down. Make more comfort food like that tuna dish. (I make mine with cream of celery. Try it!)

Ed: you are having vascular migraines (like mine). Blood vessels constrict on the optic nerve, causing "lights" in your vision. The effect spreads and then the vessels swell, giving you a major headache. Caffeine restricts them again, which is why it's helpful. Sleep helps too, as you know, but there are medicines that can hold off that headache at the first sign. Check with your doctor.


Anonymous said...

Facebook is weird because the people who won't respond to my emails leave me messages on Facebook. Some people really like it but I'm fairly neutral, except for those annoying mass-SuperPokes!

You've got a classic case of the "winter blahs". This is a time when I wish that *ALL* of us could just HIBERNATE and then wake up magically in the Spring.

Java said...

I like my floaters. They entertain me. It's similar to those mobile things people hang over baby cribs. I'm easily entertained.

Tuna Hot Dish, the ultimate midwestern comfort food.

No snow here yet. Probably won't get any this year. But everything is brown or gray. White is prettier.

I got a facebook account recently to check on my friend's health updates after he was injured in a car wreck. But I can't figure it out. Facebook makes no sense to me. Maybe I'm just too old. I don't even like to play scrabble.

Anonymous said...

Don't go swapping your heavenly 20 weeks off per year for a few extra bucks.

Happiness is part-time work.

Besides, you already own an iTouch. What else do you need money for?

Anonymous said...

Try adding stewed tomatoes to your Tuna Casserole recipe.

We don't get snow that often around the Puget Sound. I could use some more, as it really brightens the days. They are mostly overcast and gray.

Jen said...

When I was little I thought my floaters were my Fairy Godmother because I could never "catch" them in my line of sight... I guess mixing fairies up with leprachauns... or maybe my fairy godmother was a leprachaun in drag?

Anonymous said...

I have the same moving object on a very occassional basis. I mentioned it to the eye doctor and since I had a bypass operation 3 years ago he checked my carotid artery for blockage but that was not it. He said they are brain migraines and sometimes people have headaches afterwards. He said it was nothing to worry about. I mentioned it to my brother and he gets them too. I never bothered to ask anyone about them before.

Alpha Omega said...

Can i get the recipie? Sounds groovy...



Catherine said...

20 weeks off per year? I am new to your blog and wonder what you do? I need to get into that business!

I hope your funk goes away as fast as that amoeba in your eye. :)

Anonymous said...

The eye thingies are obviously (in your case) the ghosts of coprolites past.

If the snow is losing its magicality with three months to go before it's gone, yer in Canada, eh! Embrace it, go into your back yard with Serge and roll naked in it, hell on woodies, but yer nipples'll turn diamond ... wheeeeee!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Since you have so many readers, I'm sure(and most certainly I) would appreciate sharing your family recipe for tuna casserole. How about posting it on your next post.

Janet said...

I agree most things are boring. I thought it was just a phase, but I can't completely snap out of it. Now I call it getting older:(

Anonymous said...

It's that Funk time of year. Add me to the list of folks feeling it.

I'm just tired of everything. Tired of work, of demanding parents, of not having enough money... all of it.

RJ March said...

Eye thing, check.
Funk, double check (I've been in the throes of one for a couple of weeks now)
Tuna casserole, delicious.
Boring, check
Snow, yick (I'm glad to be in Texas for that reason alone-- the absence of that stuff)
Mo' money, heard.

I think we just need new shoes, love.

lattégirl said...

Rox says she sucks at Scrabble yet she manages to beat me every time. My stats are so bad, I wrote to the Facebook people and asked them how I can delete them.

Unknown said...

I always have that amoeba kinda thing ... I see it especially if its really bright! like in a cloudless day.... sometimes I think its the ions swirling around me... interesting though coz it can really drain the day away....!!! I tried your caserole recipe... yummy!!! thanks for sharing!!!!