Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Bus tales

I get on the bus. It is dark and the weather is inclement. It seems as most people have already made it to their cubby holes since the streets are nearly empty. The bus contains scarcely half a dozen passengers. I locate a seat I like near the window and begin to zone out for the ten minute ride to the subway. Suddenly, operatic singing breaks out. The bus is an echo barn and my first thought is, "geez, the driver sure has got the radio on loud." Behind me, I hear two teenaged girls giggling. Slowly, it dawns on me that the bus driver is singing. Clearly using his diaphragm, he is belting out one mean solo. The singing stops in conjunction with the bus as new passengers are taken aboard. Then the singing begins again. I watch the new passengers as the same consternation at the "noise" crosses their faces. Then one by one, smirks and smiles and raised-eyebrow glances around as they too realize that we have an opera singing bus driver.

And the smiling is contagious, as the teenaged girls continue giggling. At the end of the bus route at the subway, we all file off smiling and thanking the driver. What good cheer this man has spread, I think as I descend into the tunnel, all because of his lack of self consciousness. He knows it's odd, but doesn't care, and in a strange magical way brightened our day.

Thank you opera singing bus driver man!


The Wisdom of Wislon said...

Ah that was nice, you had a more cheerful less stressed trip today then ;-)

I saw my mumbling man in town today, life's full of different personalities, thank god ;-)

_Psycho said...

This always bring a big smile on the faces on peoples. That's remember me once, in the subway, the green line (Montreal) doesn't have the automatic voice, so it's the driver saying "Papineau Station", etc. Once one driver was like "Hello everyone, we approching xxx station, have a good day !". You know he was adding stuff, talking a lots, putting a lots of smiles on everyone faces. I bet he got fired too bad ;)

Jason said...

I'm glad it made your day. Sometimes things like that raise my blood pressure when I'm not awake yet.

madamerouge said...

Like when the Harbourfront LRT driver pretends the streetcar is the Starship Enterprise, eh J? Much to the merriment of the tourists and children going to the Toronto Island Ferry Terminal...

epicurist said...

I think that's great. I love doing things like that, as a smile carries through the day and is very VERY contagious. :) see now I am smiling!

Patricia said...

i wish i had more carefree abandon to act without caring what people might think, simply for the sheer joy of doing something i enjoy.

this is a good reminder.

Chunks said...

That's awesome! I need a ride on a bus with a singing bus driver!

DanNation said...

Nice...I had a train conductor sing once from DC to NY...awesome!

Anonymous said...

Allo Rick,

Je ne sais pas si c'est le même chauffeur, mais quand je prenais l'autobus quand je travaillais ( au Manoir)avec Serge, il y avait un chauffeur qui chantait!
Ça fait longtemps !!!