A late afternoon downpour from pinkly lit cotton candy clouds visited us briefly, the sun shining all the while near the horizon. The rainbow in the picture accompanied the shower. All the birds came out after and fluttered in the puddles and chirped wildly. Perfect, no need to water the garden.
Here comes Katrina.
I'm so excited. I watched her progress all day yesterday and this morning she is just about to roar ashore near New Orleans. Is it bad that I can't wait to see the destruction to be wrought upon landfall? Because this is the best part, the evidence of the awesome power of nature.
I don't want people to lose their lives of course. But there should be some good video from the brave ones covering Katrina's arrival. Should be good watchin on the evening news.
Alright then, little else to report. If you haven't been around on the weekend, go ahead and check out the previous posts. It seems there's much more going on in the blogosphere Mon thru Fri. Is that because most people do their blogging from work?
Must go, labor commitments loom.
My work blocks blogger.
And now I'm hot and tired.
I'm glad I don't live near Hurricanes; they scare me.
thanks for the weather post. i love your description. and your picture too.
em, from the ipaq, in bed.
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